
Lit Guidelines

What We’re Looking For

We want stories with heart.

We’re not looking for just the pretty kind, drawn neatly by hand, coloured within the lines. We want raw truths. Here you have the freedom to bare your soul through words. To tell the stories the world would much rather bury beneath its ugliness; the strange and uncomfortable is bedazzling to us. We want to see the brutal nature of the heart just as much as we want to see your tenderness. We want to see your roots. Where do you come from? Where are you going? Is the path you take as beautiful and unmistakable as you are? We want your stories. We want you.

Submit to us now. We’re waiting for your stories.

Writers must be 13-25 years old.

We accept original work from all backgrounds and countries.

We accept multiple submissions, but please submit one submission per form. Thanks!


  • PROSE up to 6000 words
  • POETRY up to 1000 words or 5 pages of double-spaced poetry
  • SCRIPT (Screenplay and Stageplay) up to ten (10) pages in standard script format
  • We accept multiple submissions and simultaneous submissions. If your piece is a simultaneous submission, we ask that you email us immediately via to withdraw your piece, should it be accepted elsewhere. Emails should have the headline of your last name, title, and withdrawal in the subject line, i.e. WITHDRAWAL_BAKER.

Please submit prose in Standard Shunn Manuscript Format. We don’t need your address. Poetry submissions should be in Times New Roman font. 12 pt. black, double-spaced, for readability purposes.

Our goal is to respond to all submissions within four weeks.

ERA Literary reserves first-time publishing rights only. Rights will revert back to you once you are published. If you are published with ERA and would later like to publish the piece with another magazine, please be sure to credit us as your original publication site for that piece!

What We Won’t Accept

  • While we are content to receive stories with dark topics, we will not accept stories with gratuitous and graphic violence or rape, this includes any type of child abuse including sexual abuse.
  • We do not publish erotica or fan fiction.
  • Stories or poems with attached/embedded images or graphics files will be deleted unread.
  • Stories submitted outside of the reading periods will be deleted unread.
  • Submissions that do not follow submission format guidelines will be deleted unread.

Art Guidelines

Artists must be 13-25 years old.

We accept original artwork from all backgrounds and countries.

Please submit multiple submissions in one form, not several. Thanks!

There will be a separate section of the Issue featuring the monthly theme. Check out Themes to learn more about this theme. If your artwork is matching with the monthly theme, please indicate that when you submit.

Your artwork CAN have received an award in the past, but should not be previously published.

An email will be sent within 4 weeks on the status of your submission.

Please submit all cover art in the link above. Special consideration will be given to artwork that matches the monthly theme.

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